Saturday, February 16, 2013

Armenian II

Let me put this out there. This entry will not be about what new phrases I learned. This one.. well.. Let's just say that Armenian has one of the most peculiar alphabets I have ever seen.

Here's what I need: something or someone to explain what each sound means so that I can TRY to figure out how to use the letters to spell out what I'm saying. The toughest part of the alphabet is that a small line can make two similar looking letters sound different, like ա and պ.

The words aren't hard to remember, but you can't just depend on speaking. If you go to a foreign country, you can't expect to not have to read anything, especially a menu or traffic sign.

I need to lock myself in a room with an explanation of the sounds these Armenian letters make, and bust my ass to become proficient at it.

Until next time,

Your Favorite Polyglot
Twitter: @mistercapoeira

P.S. I do like Armenian! Don't get it twisted.

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