Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Tudo bem, meus amigos..Faz muito tempo.

I'm taking the time out to do two things. The first, is to apologize for my long hiatus between posts. I have been insanely busy. I've recently moved to a new place, got a new job (I'm actually writing this at work), been doing much more Capoeira (workshops and teaching), and just being a grown up. One day turned into a week, and a week turned into the ridiculous amount of time between posts until now. I know I had some consistent readers, and I was in love with creating posts. I still have been studying languages, but in a different sense. I haven't had much time to use the Pimsleur program, so I've been just using Pandora and mainly reading tweets from foreign people. I've also been just talking to people of other nationalities who are natives, so I've still been getting some work in. I wouldn't start to slip on you all like that!

Last night, I broke out the iPod, and wound up doing Hungarian, French, and Japanese! And my lovely girlfriend reminded me of the fact that I had a good thing going with this blog, and she was completely correct.

I decided to make a comeback, and I want to consciously be mindful to not have a lapse like the previous one again. I'll be getting a little more random, maybe not just talking about my Pimsleur lessons; I maybe will just talk about a conversation I have with a foreign/multilingual person.

Number Two: I'm BACK. I want to get as intense about it as I was when I was writing every day, and if I have to make time to write or study, I will. There may be some instances where I don't write for a day (things happen), but I will do my best to not have a reoccurrence of what's been going on.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, advice, or concerns, please let me know.

Until the next post,

Your Favorite Polyglot
Twitter: @mistercapoeira

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